
© 2014 by Ariana Alessandro

ISBN 9781456622039

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7. Reading His Body Language

In this chapter, we will be teaching you how to read his body language. This is important because when you can read his body language, it helps you to understand and communicate better.

We communicate both verbally and non-verbally and because men are less verbal than women, his body language can give you valuable insight into his mood and what he is thinking.

Better communication builds better relationships and that is why so much of the book is dedicated to being able to understand your partner so you can communicate better. You want him to love you like he has never loved another before, you need to treat him like no other ever has, and that means better communication.

This is your guide to male body language. Instead of assuming you know what his body language is or trying to project your own body language onto his own, read this chapter to help you decode what he is saying through the use of body language.

Eye contact is the best indication of how he feels for you. If all you have is brief amounts of eye contact, that is a sign that he is not interested. If you are sitting across from him, having a discussion, and he looks at everything but you, that is not a good sign.

If he is interested in you, then he will make eye contact. The more eye contact he gives you, the better.

Does he touch you often? This does not mean sexual touching, but touching in general. When you are walking next to him, does he guide you with a hand on your hip or your back? Will he brush your hair back from your face for you, or lightly touch your hand or arm when talking? The more he touches you, the more he likes you.

Frequent touching is one way men show their interest, without having to say it. Men show their feelings for you in hundreds of small ways and gestures rather than telling you how much you mean to them.

Learning their body language helps you to understand that you really are important, even if they do not say it as often as you like. If he seems to always find reasons to touch you, that is a sign that he loves you and you matter. Touching is one of the ways he tells you how much you mean to him.

When men are interested in something, they will face it. If he talks to you while standing or sitting directly in your line of sight, usually facing you, that is another good sign. If he tends to always talk over his shoulder at you, that is a sign of disinterest. If he is facing you, that is a good indication that he is fully invested in the conversation.

Closed off body language is a sign that he is not willing to listen or connect with you. If you see him standing or sitting with his arms crossed, that is a sign that he is not listening and no matter how compelling your argument is, his ears are closed.

Try again when he is more receptive. That closed of stance of having his arms crossed is classic “I do not care” body language and trying to coax him into a conversation at that point is useless.

Both of you will only become angry and frustrated and it will turn from a one-sided discussion into an argument. If he goes into a closed off body language stance, give him space instead of trying to force the issue.

If you approach him and he pulls away, that is a bad sign. If you hug him and he pulls away, or jerks his arm back if you touch him, those are signs that he is trying to escape. He may just be closed off to touch at that moment because of something else, or he may not be that interested in the conversation. If he shows this type of behavior often, it is a problem and your relationship may be in trouble.

If you cannot get him to connect with you, you cannot forge a great relationship. You have to try to work through it to make him to connect or maybe his body language is telling you that he just does not want this relationship. Everyone has bouts where they just want to be left alone, and that is normal. Pulling away from you nearly every time is not.

If the only time he really touches you is during sex, he is obviously not feeling a connection to you or he is resisting forging one. Men do not connect to women as easily as women connect to men. You have to understand that and be patient. If you are seeing any of the above negative body language signs but the relationship is young, do not worry.

Men take a while to let down their guard and we will help you encourage him to lower his guard. The first few chapters are full of tips about men that will help him feel connected to you and it will help him lower his guard quicker but it still takes time.

You do not like to be hurt and neither do men. They keep their guard up to protect themselves and because they are not conditioned to express emotions as easily as women do, it makes it harder for them to connect in a relationship. If you give them time, and work with them, based on the prior chapter’s advice, you will help them be able to connect to you.

You will see their body language turn from negative into positive and when that happens, you know you are encouraging them to drop their guard. Men pull back because they try to protect their feelings but once you show them they can express them and be loved and respected, they will begin to do it more and more.

By monitoring his body language, you can help tell where his comfort level is and how connected he is with you.

If you are doing all of the right things and the relationship is still stalled, then you should reevaluate the relationship at that point. However, you have to give him a chance to be the one to build that connection to you. You cannot force it to happen, it should happen naturally.

8. What Do Men Want In Women?

You know what you are looking for in a partner but what is that men look for in women? What traits and qualities will endear him to you instead of pushing you away? If you want him to fall for you, you have to have the qualities he is looking for the most. Granted, this will not apply to all men, but it applies to the majority.